Top 10

Ivanti Alternatives

Sourjesh Mukherjee
April 2, 2024

Are you in search of alternatives to Ivanti, aiming to streamline and enhance your patch management processes? You've come to the right place! We at SecOps take pride in our specialty and we're committed to researching existing tools to curate a shortlist of top contenders for your consideration.

In our pursuit of the ideal patch management solution, we've diligently evaluated various alternatives to Ivanti. Our goal is to provide you with an overview of the options available and help you make informed decisions that align perfectly with your organization's objectives. So, let's explore the alternatives to Ivanti and discover how they can revolutionize your patch management journey.

Ivanti Alternatives

Several alternatives to Ivanti offer unique features and pricing plans tailored to different business needs. Let's delve into the top 7 Ivanti alternatives and what sets them apart:

1. SecOps Solution

SecOps Solutions provides a complete solution to cybersecurity by adopting threat detection, incident response, and patch management into one single entity. SecOps Solutions focuses on real-time patch management and identification of vulnerabilities in your infrastructure in seconds with exceptional accuracy.

Through the patch management features, we at SecOps Solution create a viable alternative to Ivanti for companies keen on vulnerability management and agent-less patching. With a diverse array of features ranging from vulnerability management to mobile application security, SecOps Solution embodies an easy approach to safeguarding against modern cyber threats.


  • Robust vulnerability management system that scans for vulnerable and unpatched operating systems, third-party software, and libraries across various endpoints and network devices.
  • Our solution offers pre-validated and revertible patches, ensuring one-click deployment and minimal disruption to operations.
  •  Detects and patches security gaps in static websites, complex web applications, and APIs, enhancing overall web security posture.
  • Offers automated advanced security assessment for Android, iOS, and Windows platforms, ensuring robust protection against mobile-centric threats.

Pricing: Please contact the SecOps teams for pricing.

How is it better than Ivanti:

  • SecOps scanning capabilities and threat intelligence integration ensure thorough coverage of vulnerabilities across diverse environments, surpassing Ivanti.
  • SecOps Solution supports both agentless and agent-based architectures, providing flexibility to cater to diverse infrastructure needs, including on-prem installations. While Ivanti also supports various architectures, the setup process might be more challenging.
  • SecOps Solution provides transparent patch process management, offering detailed status updates for each patch stage, while Ivanti lacks such detailed insights, providing only overall status updates.
  • SecOps Solution offers both customizable and predefined patch policies for effective system security maintenance, whereas Ivanti, while allowing custom policies, lacks comprehensive predefined options like browser updates.
  • SecOps ensures thorough security measures and prompt notification of non-responsive states, a feature lacking in Ivanti's offerings.

2. Automox

Automox is a comprehensive patch management solution designed to streamline the process of identifying, prioritizing, and deploying software patches across IT environments. With Automox, organizations can proactively address security vulnerabilities, ensure compliance, and maintain system integrity with minimal manual intervention.


  • Automox utilizes a cloud-native architecture, making it easy to deploy and manage patches across Windows, MacOS, and Linux endpoints without the need for on-premises infrastructure.
  • Automox offers patching capabilities not only for operating systems but also for third-party applications, allowing organizations to address vulnerabilities across a wide range of software.
  • Automox provides a user-friendly setup process, enabling organizations to quickly implement patch management solutions without the need for complex network configurations or extensive training.

Pricing: For pricing details, please refer to the Ivanti website or contact their sales team for personalized quotes based on your organization's requirements.

How is it better than Ivanti:

  • Automox operates on a cloud-native architecture. This cloud-based approach simplifies deployment and management, providing greater flexibility and scalability compared to Ivanti's architecture.
  • The user-friendly interface streamlines patch management tasks, reducing complexity and enhancing overall efficiency compared to Ivanti's interface
  • Automox offers automated patch deployment capabilities, enabling organizations to schedule and execute patching tasks with minimal manual intervention.
  • Automox extends its patch management capabilities beyond operating systems to include third-party applications. With support for patching a wide range of software titles, Automox ensures comprehensive vulnerability management across the entire software stack. 


  • Automox provides reporting based on patch policies, but generating detailed reports can be challenging compared to other solutions like Ivanti.
  •  Automox lacks vulnerability scanning capabilities as part of its patch management solution, relying on integrations with third-party solutions like Rapid7 for vulnerability management. 

3. ManageEngine

ManageEngine offers a robust patch management solution with comprehensive vulnerability scanning, transparent patch processes, and customizable policies. Its on-premises agent-based architecture provides flexibility and control, although setup complexity and limited Linux support may pose challenges for some users. ManageEngine remains a solid choice for organizations seeking a customizable and comprehensive patch management solution tailored to their specific IT environments and requirements.


  • Manages and deploys patches to over 850+ 3rd party applications such as Adobe, Java, WinRAR, and more.
  • Creates test groups, and test patches, and approves for deployment to production environments automatically.
  • Prioritizes deployment by declining less critical patches; declined patches can be rolled back and revoked for deployment.
  • You can integrate ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus with a diverse range of products, leveraging its capabilities and empowering users with a comprehensive solution.

Pricing: For pricing details, please refer to the ManageEngine website or contact their sales team for personalized quotes based on your organization's requirements.

How is it better than Ivanti:

  • ManageEngine covers various aspects, including scanning, assessment, deployment, and reporting. Its extensive feature set ensures thorough coverage of patch management needs compared to Ivanti.
  • ManageEngine supports patching for over 850 third-party applications, including popular software like Adobe, Java, and WinRAR. This broad support is a capability that may be limited in Ivanti.
  • ManageEngine allows users to customize patch deployment policies according to their unique business requirements. This flexibility ensures that organizations can tailor their patching processes, offering more adaptability compared to Ivanti.


  • While ManageEngine offers extensive features, the setup process can be challenging, particularly for organizations with complex IT environments.
  • ManageEngine's agent setup may not offer proper support for Linux environments, limiting its effectiveness for heterogeneous operating system environments.
  • ManageEngine's patch management solution may lack some of the modern cloud-based features and integrations offered by competitors like SecOps and Automox, potentially limiting scalability.
  • ManageEngine's patch management solution may not provide as seamless an experience as cloud-based alternatives like SecOps, particularly for organizations looking for quick deployment and minimal infrastructure requirements.

4. SolarWinds

SolarWinds Patch Manager offers comprehensive automation features designed to streamline patch management processes. From automated patch deployment to scheduling and reporting, SolarWinds Patch Manager empowers IT teams to efficiently manage software updates across their entire infrastructure.


  • SolarWinds Patch Manager offers comprehensive patch management capabilities, allowing users to effectively manage both Microsoft and third-party patches. 
  • Features a user-friendly dashboard with color-coded graphics and an interactive layout, providing IT administrators with critical information on patch updates and vulnerability metrics.
  • Built on the Orion Platform, Patch Manager seamlessly integrates with other SolarWinds products, facilitating centralized monitoring and management of the entire IT environment. 

Pricing: Please refer SolarWinds website for the exact pricing and subscription options.

How is it better than Ivanti:

  • SolarWinds integrates seamlessly with Microsoft WSUS and SCCM, managing updates for both Microsoft and non-Microsoft software.
  •  Its dashboard provides color-coded graphics and customizable reporting, offering enhanced visibility and intuitive insights into patching status.
  •   Built on the Orion Platform, SolarWinds offers unified IT management, streamlining workflows and enhancing operational effectiveness.
  •  SolarWinds provides automated reporting with customizable templates, ensuring timely updates on patching status and comprehensive tracking of patch history.


  • While SolarWinds Patch Manager offers robust features for patch management, it lacks certain capabilities present in SecOps Solution. 
  •  For instance, SolarWinds Patch Manager may not provide as comprehensive and accurate vulnerability scanning as SecOps Solution.
  • Additionally, SolarWinds Patch Manager may not offer the same level of transparency in the patch process status, reporting, and post-patch machine status validation as SecOps Solution does.
  • These limitations could impact the overall effectiveness and efficiency of patch management processes when compared to the capabilities of SecOps Solution.

5. SysAid

SysAid revolutionizes IT management by offering a seamless patch management solution that empowers IT managers to enhance productivity and service quality. Moreover, SysAid's custom-built quote generation system enables the company to respond promptly to market demands, setting it apart as an industry leader. By leveraging self-managing help desk systems, SysAid ensures streamlined operations and optimized performance, making it the go-to choice for businesses seeking innovative IT management solutions.


  • Streamlined setup process for quick integration into existing systems and environments.
  • Enjoy automated patch management with extensive configuration options to tailor updates to specific needs.
  • Scale patch management solutions effortlessly to accommodate growing organizational requirements.
  • Seamlessly integrates with all versions of SysAid for comprehensive patch management capabilities.

Pricing: Please contact SysAid to learn more about their plans and subscriptions.

How is it better than Ivanti:

  • SysAid provides a user-friendly setup process, simplifying integration into existing systems without hassle., unlike Ivanti which is more complex to set up.
  • With fully automated patch management capabilities, SysAid ensures seamless updates across systems, reducing manual intervention.
  • SysAid's patch management solution is highly scalable, adapting to organizational growth without compromising performance.
  • SysAid seamlessly integrates with all versions of SysAid, providing a unified platform for comprehensive patch management across diverse environments.


  • While SysAid offers robust patch management capabilities, it has limited support for third-party integrations compared to SecOps. SecOps provides extensive support for third-party integrations, allowing organizations to integrate with other software and systems.
  • SysAid's reporting and analytics capabilities are not as advanced as those offered by SecOps. SecOps provides more comprehensive reporting tools and analytics features, allowing organizations to gain deeper insights into their performance.

6. NinjaOne

Being the company's all-encompassing IT management arsenal of tools, NinjaOne’s capabilities span from device management to automation, to even patch management. NinjaOne’s ability to eight-in-one IT management system has made it an excellent option for those who are seeking centralized solutions. Being an IT ops service focused on ease of management of all IT operations and increasing efficiency of the infrastructure, NinjaOne presents itself as a nice option for businesses aiming to be use patch management as its motto. 


  • NinjaOne offers a holistic approach to endpoint management, combining patch management, IT asset management, remote monitoring, and antivirus capabilities within a single platform.
  • Its intuitive interface and customizable dashboards provide IT administrators with real-time visibility into endpoint status, software inventory, and security vulnerabilities.
  • NinjaOne's patch management module allows for automated deployment of software updates across Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints, ensuring timely mitigation of known vulnerabilities.
  • Provides integrated vulnerability scanning capabilities, allowing IT teams to identify and prioritize critical security risks across the organization's IT infrastructure.

Pricing: Please contact NinjaOne to learn more about their plans and subscriptions.

How NinjaOne is Better than Ivanti:

  • NinjaOne provides a powerful and user-friendly patching dashboard, enhancing visibility and control over patch management activities.
  • NinjaOne's cloud-native approach ensures seamless patching for remote endpoints without complex network configurations, a feature lacking in Ivanti.
  • NinjaOne significantly reduces patching time with zero-touch automation, improving operational efficiency and reducing manual effort, a capability not fully exploited in Ivanti.
  • NinjaOne offers detailed patch activity logs and comprehensive patch reporting features, allowing organizations to quickly and easily report on patch compliance, something that is lacking in Ivanti.


  • SecOps Solution excels NinjaOne by providing additional features and integrations, enhancing the overall functionality of patch management processes.
  • SecOps Solution offers personalized support and guidance to help organizations maximize the value of their patch management investments, something which we can't find in NinjaOne.

7. Atera

Atera's Patch Management tool is designed to streamline IT operations by offering comprehensive solutions for managing and maintaining system patches across Windows, Mac, and Linux devices. With Atera, users can effortlessly review, update, and maintain installed packages, ensuring optimal system performance and security. The platform provides a user-friendly interface and detailed guidance for patch installation procedures, making it an ideal choice for IT professionals seeking efficient patch management solutions.


  • Atera offers robust support for Windows, Mac, and Linux devices, providing a unified solution for heterogeneous IT environments.
  • Atera seamlessly integrates with native software update tools for each operating system, ensuring compatibility and reliability in patch deployment.
  • The platform provides detailed reporting and feedback on patch installation status, giving IT professionals valuable insights into their patch management activities.
  • Atera offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the patch management process, making it accessible to IT professionals of all skill levels.

Pricing: Atera offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of businesses of all sizes, with transparent pricing structures and scalable options based on the number of endpoints managed.

How is it better than Ivanti:

  • Atera provides seamless support for Windows, Mac, and Linux devices, offering a comprehensive solution for heterogeneous IT environments.
  • The platform offers automated patch installation and detailed reporting, enhancing operational efficiency and visibility into patch management activities.
  •  Atera's user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it easy for IT professionals to manage patches effectively, without the complexity often associated with enterprise-level solutions. 


  • Despite its robust features, Atera may lack the depth of enterprise-level functionalities offered by Ivanti.
  • The platform's pricing structure may not be suitable for organizations with complex IT environments or specific compliance requirements.
  • SecOps' robust reporting and compliance features address the limitations of Atera's reporting capabilities, providing organizations with the visibility and control they need to maintain a secure IT environment.

How to Choose the Best Alternative?

When considering the best alternative for patch management tools among SecOps, Atera, Automox, SysAid, SolarWinds, and NinjaOne, several factors come into play. Among these solutions is the ability to use many features and perform different types of tasks adapted to different organizational needs.

However, SecOps stands out as a top choice for its comprehensive and accurate vulnerability scanning, seamless integration with various architectures, and user-friendly interface. Its ability to provide detailed insights into patch status and inventory, coupled with customizable policies and robust reporting capabilities, makes it a preferred option for organizations seeking efficient and reliable patch management solutions.


In making the decision, it's crucial to evaluate your specific requirements, including the size of your infrastructure, budget constraints, and desired level of automation and scalability. Although every tool has been developed with its set of strengths, the combination that makes SecOps attractive is the features, usability, and pricing that differentiates it from the rest of the tools in the patch management universe. By choosing SecOps, organizations can ensure proactive security measures, streamlined operations, and enhanced overall patch management.

SecOps Solution is an award-winning agent-less Full-stack Vulnerability and Patch Management Platform that helps organizations identify, prioritize, and remediate security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in seconds.

To schedule a demo, just pick a slot that is most convenient for you.

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